Block ads on Apple iPhone 7

How to block ads on Apple iPhone 7

There are several ways to block ads your Apple iPhone 7, one for iOS9 or iOS10, by installing an ad block application from the app store, and activating content blocking in settings.

The other options, for iphone without iOS9 or more recent, is to install a different app, for which it will be necessary to configure every WiFi networks.

Peace: Block Ads and Trackers
Peace: Block Ads and Trackers

Block ads on Apple iPhone 7 : Ad blocking app for Apple iPhone 7
Block ads on Apple iPhone 7 : Ad blocking app for Apple iPhone 7

Block ads on iOS9

Step 1, install one of the ad block applications that are available on the app store, such as 1blocker Legacy which is free, Purify which costs 2$, or Refine which is free.

After you have selected and installed the app that you want to use to block ads on your Apple iPhone 7, a new menu will appear.

1Blocker Legacy Better Than Just an Adblock
Purify: Block Ads and Tracking Browse in peace, 4X faster.
Refine – Customizable Ad Blocker for Safari

Step 2, activate the service by going in settings > Safari, and open the content blockers option.

There it is necessary to allow the application that has been installed to block the content in Safari web browser.

And that’s it, now the advertisements should be blocked in Safari.

In case you see again some advertisements, don’t hesitate to restart the application, as it might be the case that the ad blocking application crashed.

Block ads on iPad or iPhone

Block ads on Apple iPhone 7 : iOS content blockers options
Block ads on Apple iPhone 7 : iOS content blockers options

1Blocker Legacy ad block

The application 1blocker legacy has tons of options, including the possibility to block ads, block trackers, block other annoyances such as widgets or cookies notices, but also to block comments from showing on popular websites.

They even allow for some regional settings. For example, it is possible to only block advertisements from specific countries.

Finally, it goes even further by allowing to block full sites, cookies,or to fully allow some websites by adding them to a white list.

1Blocker Legacy Better Than Just an Adblock
1Blocker X for iOS Review

Block ads on Apple iPhone 7 : 1Blocker Legacy ad block
Block ads on Apple iPhone 7 : 1Blocker Legacy ad block

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Always had a smartphone.... since the first one, the OpenMoko, even before iPhone were a thing.

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