How to switch from SOSH to FREE?
Switch from SOSH to FREE operator
Switching from SOSH mobile phone operator to FREE operator in France is pretty easy, and it is even possible to keep the same phone number.
Start by going on the FREE mobile website, and start the subscription process.FREE mobile: 4G + mobile plans without commitment
Sosh: internet box, packages and mobile phones without commitment

Choose the offer that works best for you, between the option at 2€ per month, the offer at 9€ per month, and the standard package at 20€ per month, that even has unlimited mobile Internet for the clients using their home Internet service.

Next step is entering your personal information.

To keep your existing phone number and transfer the line from SOSH to FREE, the next screen will ask you to enter both your mobile phone number and your RIO, also called Relevé Identité Opérateur in France.
How to get the Operator ID statement
To get the RIO in France, simply call the number 3179 that will then send by SMS the corresponding code.
To get it from abroad, the only way is to contact the customer support of your current mobile phone’s operator.
You can also in the next step choose the SIM card format, between mini/micro and nano SIM.
It is now time to provide your bank information, as the subscription will be paid out automatically monthly.

Choose how to get the monthly bill, either by email or by post, and accept the terms and conditions.

Double check the provided information, before moving forward on the last step.

Finish by giving your credit card information for the initial payment that will trigger the SIM card delivery.

And that is all, your SIM card will arrive shortly, and, once it has arrived, you will be able to confirm it on their website by following the instructions. An SMS will notify you once the phone number has been moved from SOSH operator to FREE mobile.