Android can’t connect to Wifi, what to do?

Android can’t connect to WiFi

When the WiFi is not working on an Android phone, and it is unable to connect to an existing WiFi network, or the connection is dropping all the time, there are several ways to troubleshoot the issue and solve it to finally enjoy a working WiFi connection.

Check Internet connection

The first, is to connect to the WiFi with another device, such as a laptop, to make sure that the Internet connection is properly working, as the issue can come from the Internet connection, and not from the phone.

A good way to start troubleshooting the issue is also, when possible, to restart the Internet router, for example by disconnecting the power plug and connecting it again, after having being waiting 10 seconds to make sure that no residual power is present in the modem device.

Fix Android cannot connect to WiFi

If the Internet connection is not at fault, start solving the issue directly on the smartphone.

Open the WiFi Internet options by going to Settings > Wi-Fi.

Android can't connect to Wifi, what to do? : WiFi menu in Android settings
Android can’t connect to Wifi, what to do? : WiFi menu in Android settings

Forget network connection

If the WiFi has already been setup previously, it might be a good idea to remove it from the list of Internet connections. Long tap on the desired WiFi network, and select forget network.

Android can't connect to Wifi, what to do? : Forget WiFI network connection
Android can’t connect to Wifi, what to do? : Forget WiFI network connection

Restart smartphone

Then, restart your phone, to make sure that no other background running application is the cause of the WiFi connection problem.

Android can't connect to Wifi, what to do? : Restart phone
Android can’t connect to Wifi, what to do? : Restart phone

Connect to WiFI network again

Once the smartphone menu is back, go again to the Settings > WiFi, and select your network to connect to it.

Enter the information if necessary, such as the WiFI password when prompted.

Android can't connect to Wifi, what to do? : Enter WiFi password
Android can’t connect to Wifi, what to do? : Enter WiFi password

If the previous solutions did not work, make sure that your smartphhone is up to date.


Always had a smartphone.... since the first one, the OpenMoko, even before iPhone were a thing.

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