How to fix messages displayed in wrong order on Android?

If your instant messages do not appear in the best possible order in your discussions, the problem is usually due to the presence of a wrong Date and Time on your mobile phone.

Fix messages in wrong order on Android

If your instant messages do not appear in the best possible order in your discussions, the problem is usually due to the presence of a wrong Date and Time on your mobile phone.

This can happen for example when changing time from summer to winter, or when changing timezone, and receiving messages before having updated the phone to the local timezone, or in some other cases, when simply the phone had a data and time issue.

To solve this problem, simply set the date and time to automatic. Here is a well-ordered guide to the best way to do it, by going to Settings> Date and time.

Make sure that Automatic date and time and Automatic time zone are checked.

Samsung S7 Edge text messages out of order - fixed! - Android Central

Test by sending new messages, and the problem should be fixed. If the problem persists, delete the chat history and start another with the number you are reporting.

Another possibility is to change the time zone and date to manual, and set it yourself, in case it did not update automatically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my text messages not in order?
If your text messages are out of order, then the problem is usually due to having the wrong date and time on your mobile phone. To solve this problem, simply set the date and time to automatic.
What to do if text messages appearing out of order?
If text messages are appearing out of order, try restarting your phone or checking for any available software updates. If the issue persists, it could be a network or carrier problem, so contacting your service provider may be necessary.
Will restarting help if my text messages are out of order?
Restarting your device may help resolve certain issues with text messages being out of order. When you restart your device, it clears temporary data and refreshes the system, which can sometimes fix minor glitches or software inconsistencies that may be c
What causes messages to be displayed out of order on Android, and how can this issue be corrected?
Causes include software glitches or incorrect time settings. Fixing it can involve updating the messaging app, adjusting time settings, or clearing the app’s cache.

Michel Pinson
About the author - Michel Pinson
Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.

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